If you’ve gotten to the point in your relationship where you can honestly say that things aren’t working any more then guess what? It’s probably over. But there’s always hope for learning and for new love even after something as tragic as a breakup. Look for these 5 signs to determine whether you should stick it out or not and why it might be a good thing to let it all end. Read More
This stage can always be a little rocky and a little familiar. The “unofficial relationship” is when two people are really into each other and aren’t really interested in dating other people, but they haven’t established that it’s an exclusive relationship. Often times, these relationships can end quickly because the unspoken rules have been broken. Here are 5 unspoken rules every relationship should follow if they want to make it to the next level: Read More
Going on vacation is usually a relaxing time, but when you throw falling in love, not lust, but pure falling in love into the mix, it can definitely spice things up a bit! But what happens when the vacation is over? Read More
A first date in-person is one thing, but when it takes place over the phone there’s all kinds of other challenges to consider! In order to move things to the next level you’ll need to make a lasting and positive first impression on your chat partner, but how? Read More
We may not have written these on old ancient tablets, but trust us, these commandments are words to live by when it comes to phone dating successfully. Refer to these 10 rules the next time you pick up a call and you’re bound to make a great impression. Read More