Do you have a hard time at the holidays? Do you feel pressure to buy beyond your means or be someone you aren’t simply to impress your family? We all go through this and though it would be great to just not succumb to these pressures to buy and be the ideal of success your family thinks you should be, that’s easier said than done.
Here are some tips for helping you survive the holidays…and maybe even enjoy them!
Look gorgeous! This is always my best beginning to deal with stressful situations. I make my hair, grooming and clothing as clean and nice as possible. It’s like wearing a mask, except its just a great version of you.
Listen instead of talk. I find in these holiday situations, I prefer asking questions and listening to the other people. It takes a lot of the pressure of you, you will be well thought of and you will have less of that; “why did I say that” when you get home! Read More