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5 Things Everyone Should Experience Before Entering a Serious Relationship

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1. Living Alone

It’s so important to figure out who you are (and what you’re truly capable of) before you get into a serious relationship, and there’s no better way to do that than living on your own. You’ll learn how to rely on yourself for EVERYTHING, how to love being alone, and best yet, how to fix house things when they break. No for real, you should totally know how to do that! Read More

Why Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Want to Move in with You

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More often than not it’s us ladies who push for a relationship move-in, and while the men who adore us love the idea of shacking up eventually, it can take a little more time for them to get used to the concept. Want to figure out why your boyfriend doesn’t want to move in with you? It might signal trouble in paradise, but it’s more likely that he just needs reassurance and time from the one he loves the most — YOU. Read More

5 Things You Can Tell About Your Date By the Way They Treat Your Waiter

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They say that you can tell a lot about the person you’re dating by the way they interact with a waiter at a restaurant. Are they polite, arrogant, impatient? Go ahead and take note of how your date speaks to your server the next time you’re out for dinner together — no matter who they reveal themselves to be, you’re sure to end up with a ton of interesting info! Read More

5 Things You Should Never Settle Without

By | Relationship Advice | No Comments


Before you get all nestled in with your significant other take a hard look at your relationship together. Are you both getting the very best of each other, or have things taken a turn for the boring (or worse disrespectful)? Never settle for less than you deserve in your partnership, not only does it signal future problems, but also the lack of love you’ve got for yourself! It’s time to know your worth and own it always. Read More

5 Ways To Celebrate Easter Like An Adult

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Participate in the Easter Egg Tradition

Whether you help create and dye Easter eggs, plan the egg hunt, or help out the little ones as they scavenge for them, help create memories for the younger generation by giving back. Take what you’ve learned from your years of Easter egg hunting and provide that same experience for the young ones! Read More

5 First RL Date Ideas For April

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inreallifedateideas With spring looming around the corner, great date ideas just keep popping outta nowhere! The weather is more permitting, the sun sets much much later and we all come out of our hibernation states! Although the weather can be a little unpredictable in April, we’ve listed 5 dates for different weather situations! Try out any of these 5 date ideas if you’re unsure how to take out your QuestChat sweetie for your first real life date! Read More