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5 Ways To Transform Your Style For Spring

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Orange You Glad It’s Spring?

Usually spring colours include shades of green and perhaps a little yellow thrown in. Stand out from the crowd by infusing the colour orange into your wardrobe style! This fruity colour will certainly make you stand out from the crowd. Experiment with different shades of orange to find the perfect hue for your skin tone! Read More

How to Break Bad Dating Patterns

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Make 2015 your most successful dating year yet by ridding yourself of the bad dating patterns you’ve fallen into in the past! From being too picky to assuming everyone you meet is just like your ex, we’ll give you the low-down on the most common bad dating habits and how to finally break them! Read More

5 Reasons To Take Your Phone Chat To Real Life on St.Patrick’s Day

By | Dating Tips | No Comments


A Major Party Holiday Makes Them More Likely To Say Yes

Since it’s one of the biggest party days of the year, your date will be more likely to say yes to going out because they know it’s bound to be a carefree date! Instead of seeing it as “the big date,” it’ll be more likely that your date will see this as another “Friday date night” which will do wonders for you! Read More