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5 Things To Ask Yourself Before Entering A New Relationship

By | Relationship Advice | No Comments


Entering a new relationship can bring about many questions and concerns. General worries can include whether this is the right person to enter a relationship with or whether you’re even ready for a new relationship at all. No matter what pre-relationship jitters you’re experiencing, our QuestChat experts have rounded up the top 5 questions you need to ask yourself before entering any type of new relationship! Read More

RL Date Checklist

By | Dating Tips | No Comments


Taking your phone/online date connection into the real world can sometimes feel overwhelming, but before you stress out about that first in-person hangout check our guide on how to prepare. From quelling anxiety to how to kick the conversation up a notch, we’ve got your real life date totally covered! Read More

What Your Date Says About His Ex & What It Means For You

By | Dating Tips | No Comments


If your date says this about his ex, “My ex and I ended on good terms.”

Take this as a sign that your date is mature enough that he can address the end of his relationship with his ex ended on a good note. Whatever the reason for the end of their relationship was, it doesn’t matter. What matters is how the breakup was dealt with. You can be that your date will be mature in handling matters in your relationship. Read More