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Blog: Phone Dating 101: How to Tell if a Person is Worth the Second Phone Call

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Had a great first phone date, but aren’t sure if you should make that second call? Starting a connection over the phone can be tricky for the most seasoned of daters – check these tips for how to tell if a person is worth the second phone call.

They Ask You about YOU

A great phone conversation (or any conversation for that matter) should be all about the give and take. Look for questions being thrown your way about life, your thoughts, your family, etc., after or before your phone partner answers some of his/her own. The back and forth makes for an engaging chat, but also proves that you’re not talking to someone who is totally self-absorbed. Read More

Blog: Great Personality, Horrible Sex & How to Deal

By | Sex | No Comments

There’s nothing more disappointing than connecting with a date everywhere, but in the bedroom! You know the story: the conversation is easy, your personalities work perfectly together and then you have sex – and it’s awful. Not sure how to deal? We’ve got a few options (from the extreme to the super mature) that just might make it all easier. Read More

Blog: Skype Sex 101

By | Sex | No Comments

Got a partner who doesn’t live in the area, but you’re hungry for some lovin’? Thanks to today’s advances in tech, you can take traditional phone sex up a notch into virtual video territory. But before you make the move into online hanky panky, check out these tips to help get you started! Read More

Blog: Phone Dating Vs. Speed Dating: Why Phone Dating Comes Out On Top

By | All About QuestChat, Dating Tips | No Comments

Local Phone Dating Is Safer

Local phone dating gives you the ability to speak with someone without pressure of having to meet up right away and provides a safer way to get to know a potential partner. If someone’s giving you trouble over a local phone dating service line, you can just quickly hang up on them and won’t have to worry about them bothering you anymore. You can just move on quickly to the next call! Read More

Blog: How to Keep Things Fun in Your Relationship Starting with Halloween

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How Spooks Are The New Sparks

When Halloween comes to mind, it usually doesn’t foster romantic feelings or concepts. Couples shouldn’t be so close-minded though! Halloween is one of the best holidays to keep the sparks alive in a relationship. There are endless ideas on how to keep things fun in your relationship with the Halloween tradition. Read More

Blog: How to Tell if You’re Being Friend-Zoned By a Woman

By | Dating Tips | No Comments

You know how it goes: man pursues woman, woman is friendly yet stand-offish, man obliviously continues in his pursuit. Men…we feel for ya, we really do and that’s why we urge you to read our signs on how to tell if you’re being friend-zoned by a woman very carefully. For the sake of your dignity, do not—we repeat—do not, take any of this with a grain of salt. Read More

Blog: How to Tell If a Guy is Flirting With You

By | Dating Tips | No Comments

Don’t get caught in an embarrassing “is he or isn’t he into me” scenario again! If you truly want to know whether or not that crush is flirting with you, you’ve got to learn to read the signs.

When he finds a way to touch you, you can pretty much take this as a massive sign – the guy is flirting! If you really aren’t sure on his intentions just look for an arm around the shoulder, him grabbing your hand, long hugs, or even a leg brushed up against yours as you sit together. Most men will show you how they feel before they make the move in telling you, so keep an eye out for these subtle signs. Read More

Blog: Why Do Guys Try to Pick Up Women at the Gym?

By | Dating Tips | No Comments

Co-ed gyms aren’t just for exercise – these days they’re considered one of the top places to meet other singles! Guys are notorious for trying to pick up women while they tone and tighten, so don’t be shocked if you find yourself getting hit on in the middle of a sweat session. So, what is it that inspires guys to try to pick up women at the gym? The answers are a lot more obvious than you might think! Read More