You’ve found him! Sure, it may have taken some time to get here, but you finally found the perfect dude for you and life couldn’t feel any better. There’s only a single question that remains, and it’s the biggest one to answer – is he THE guy? Deciphering whether he’s “The One” or just the one for right now can be tough, but there’s a few things to consider that might make answering that ultimate question easier: Read More
Taking out that special someone is a necessary step in the dating game, but when your bank account is short on funds, spending a ton of cash on going out isn’t always possible. The goal is to find awesome stuff to do together that doesn’t kill your wallet, and it’s a lot easier to achieve than you think! Check out these super fun AND cheap date ideas for some inspiration. Read More
Want to treat your guy to the ultimate date? Forget the usual dinner and a rom-com shtick; pump him up with a special day out involving only HIS favourite things. Whether he’s a total car junkie or a sports enthusiast, this list has got your dude date planning totally covered!
1) Sports Game – Prep for some serious lovin’ after you hand him tickets to a ball or hockey game. Watching his fave team from the sidelines with a beer in hand and his lady by his side – it doesn’t get any better. Unless his team wins, in which case get your “Best Girlfriend Award” speech ready. Read More
Women might be known for saying one thing when they really mean another, but men are just as guilty of playing that game! Want to learn to read between the lines and decipher what guys are really thinking? Below are a few samples of things you’ve probably heard him say – along with what he ACTUALLY means.
He says: “I’ll do it later.”
This is classic for “I don’t feel like doing that at all so I’ll just delay until you forget/do it without me.” You’ll often note that this response comes after you’ve asked him to clean something, take out the garbage, or help you with a decorating issue. Read More
The phone chat line is a very popular way to meet other people. QuestChat, for example, has been helping awesome singles meet other awesome singles – across North America – since 1987. Even today, it’s still the top choice for singles looking to chat and have fun.
In a world filled with online dating websites, mobile apps and social media websites – we get that phone chat probably isn’t the first thing you think of when it comes to meeting new people. With that being said, you’d probably be surprised to know that it’s a hugely popular option for people all across the USA and Canada. With thousands of singles calling in every single day, there’s always someone to chat with. You’ll have a blast meeting new people that you’d never otherwise meet! Read More
Being cheated on is awful. Cheating on someone you love is awful, too. Sometimes a relationship can recover… other times it cannot. This article is about how to know if you’re being cheated on, as well as how to handle the situation. Whatever the case, just remember that you’re not alone and that there is someone out there who wants to be with only you. Now, keep reading to see if you have any reason to be concerned. Read More
It’s finally arrived – the big date night! If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed because it’s been a while, or you just want to change up your usual strategy, follow these simple tips and you’re sure to have a successful night out.
Do: Plan the Outfit According to Venue
You want to be comfortable and feel pretty on a date, but make sure what you’re wearing makes sense for where you’ll be going! Sporting a cocktail dress to a ball game definitely makes a statement, but not one that wins points. Read More
Congrats on landing a hot date! You’re excited, he’s excited and.. .you have no idea what to wear. You might be surprised to learn that the “date night outfit” is what causes the most amount of anxiety in women leading up to a date – especially with someone new. Fear not, wonderful woman, your friends at QuestChat have you covered with a first date outfit tutorial using the clothes you already own, no less! Read More
We’re human. We love connecting with other people. In fact, we have a fundamental need to connect to other people. So, why fight our nature? Connect with local singles now with Quest’s free phone chat trial. We know you’re gonna love it!
Now, we get that everyone’s really into apps and a lot of people have even (gasp) forgotten how to talk on the phone, but it seriously works. We’re so confident, in fact, that we’re giving away 60 minute free trials to all first time callers. It’s our way of saying, “we told you so!”… but much more politely. Read More
Living in one of the greatest cities in the world definitely has its perks – one of them being there’s no shortage of hot spots to meet amazing single people. Thanks to the incredible variety of restaurants, clubs, bars and events, Toronto singles can easily link up and have a blast any night of the week.
Check out the list below for a few ideas on where to meet the date partner of your dreams: Read More