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How to Prep Your Home Before Bringing a Date Over

By December 5, 2014Dating Tips


Bringing a date over definitely kicks up the intimacy level on things, but if you don’t prep your space properly before they come over the whole evening could fall apart! Play the host with the most when you follow these simple house prep tips:

Put on a Playlist

Nothing sets the mood like some great music, so before you have your date over for the evening put together a playlist! Tunes will keep the vibes going if you run into conversation lulls, but they’ll also play a big part in helping to move things into the bedroom.

Clean Your Room

Trying to get something sexy going in a bedroom full of dirty clothes and snack plates is pretty much impossible. Be the grown up you are and tidy things up before inviting a date to a make out session on your unmade bed.


Who wants to eat dinner under bright lighting? Keep things sexy with soft, dimmed light courtesy of some home candles. Go the extra mile and get ones that have delicious scents; they’ll pull double duty for you by making your house smell amazing even if you haven’t scrubbed the place clean in weeks.

Prep the Kitchen

If you’re making your date dinner then it goes without saying that your kitchen should be stocked with the things that you need, but if no dinner is involved you still need snacks! Be sure to make a run to the grocery store before you invite someone over no matter what the plans are for the evening – who wants to watch a movie without popcorn?

Get Rid of the Roomie

For those who have roommates, take note: home dates are a lot more intimate when there’s nobody else around! Ask if your roomie can make some plans for a few hours while you entertain your guest, and help seal the deal by agreeing to bounce next time they have a date over.

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