Is she flirting or just being sweet? It’s a scenario that all men have found themselves in at one time or another, but it’s actually pretty easy to figure out what she’s up to if you just follow the signs. Here’s how to tell exactly what’s going on: Read More
There’s nothing sexier in a man than these 5 things! Here’s a breakdown of what makes men more attractive to women: Read More
If It Takes Them 1-10 Minutes to Respond…
They’re definitely into you! If they take less than an hour to respond to your text, you’re definitely high on their priority list and cannot wait to hear what you have to text back! Consider yourself lucky because you are the apple of your love interest’s eye! Read More
Bringing a date over definitely kicks up the intimacy level on things, but if you don’t prep your space properly before they come over the whole evening could fall apart! Play the host with the most when you follow these simple house prep tips:
Put on a Playlist
Nothing sets the mood like some great music, so before you have your date over for the evening put together a playlist! Tunes will keep the vibes going if you run into conversation lulls, but they’ll also play a big part in helping to move things into the bedroom. Read More